Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Testing, testing 1, 2, 3 ...check 1, 2...........
Okay so you get the point. This is just a test. This isn't even a real blog. I'm going to delete right after I make the real one. It doesn't even make any sense..Scarlet Letter? What is that supposed to mean? It just randomly came to mind. It sounded cool so whatever. I am planning on reading that book sometime in my life though. Anyways sooooo the whole Hollywoodland title thing is about me going to Sony Studios tomorrow with my moth because I have nothing better to do. That's what it used to be called, by the way. Hollywoodland... Except they ditched the "land" part. Don't know why.........she swallowed the fly perhaps she'll die. Okay so yeah I am pretty sure I'm going tomorrow. My moth works on a show called "Till' Death" and I dont even like it. Or seen it for that matter but anyways I've been to her work before and I would like it if there was something else going on at that place but the most exciting thing they are shooting is Jeopardy. Yup. I don't know if I'll be able to handle all the excitement. I might fall out of my seat, or have a heart attack. Or maybe I'll just 'splode. Wow MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)....(the one with the roaring lion) never should have turned into Sony. Sony makes electronics. ELECTRONICS! They have an elecronics store in the studio lot!! 'sigh' I loved MGM. It was founded by a dude named Marcus Loew who took Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, and Louis B. Mayer Pictures and squished them all together to make Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer(MGM). Or something close enough to that. And yes I knew that off the top of my head. Wierd...... Wellp that is all. Think I covered it all...This is not a real blog, I am going to boring Sony Studios tomorrow, and I know some weird facts bout MGM. Oh! and I'm tired and need to end this blog so good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite.

1 comment:

  1. omigosh!! a bed bug once bit this one lady, and it was on tv and stuff, cuz she had a really bad rash and it was spreading to her whole body and it was really harmful!! it was crazy!! and she had to have surgery and a whole bunch of stuff like that... wierd, huh??
